Thank you for choosing LinX CGM for your shopping needs. We strive to ensure prompt processing of all orders, typically within 24 hours.

Here's what happens after you place your order:

  • Order Confirmation: Once you've placed your order, you'll receive a confirmation email from us. This email lets you know that we've received your order and are processing it.
  • Order Fulfillment: Within 24 hours, you'll receive another email indicating. This email contains your tracking number and a link so you can keep an eye on your shipment's progress.

We aim to make your shopping experience as hassle-free as possible. If you have any questions along the way, feel free to reach out. We're here to help!

Order Processing Time

The time elapsed between when you place your order and when we're ready to hand it over to our shipping carrier is known as the fulfillment time.

Our main distribution center is situated in Jabel Ali Free Zone, Jafza South - Street - S217 - Dubai - United Arab Emirates. We operate from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM local Dubai time, Monday to Friday.

If you place your order before 11:00 AM, we'll process it for fulfillment on the same day. Otherwise, it will be shipped the next business day. Please keep in mind that slight delays may occur during local UAE calendar holidays.

Once your order is picked up from our distribution center, the order tracking status will show "collected" on the order tracking link. The lead time from collection to delivery is typically 2 to 7 working days.

International Shipping

We provide international shipping to various zones (countries). Please identify your country's corresponding shipping zone and refer to the second table for an estimate of the standard shipping costs based on the weight of your shipment. Occasionally, we offer free delivery, and the shipping costs displayed during checkout may be slightly lower than the usual standard prices.

 Please be aware that there are circumstances where we may be unable to ship to specific countries or locations, even if they are listed within the shipping zones. This could be due to sanctions, embargoes, or other restrictions. If you do not find your country during checkout, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for assistance in confirming whether we can provide shipping to your location.

Once your order is prepared for shipment or has already been shipped, we are unable to modify the shipping address. In the event that a package is returned to us due to an incorrect or incomplete address provided by you, we will promptly contact you for the necessary correction. However, please be aware that reshipping the package will result in an additional shipping fee. It's crucial to include a daytime telephone number with all orders to ensure effective communication.

Additionally, due to the nature of shipping medical devices, we regret to inform you that we cannot accept order cancellations or issue refunds once your order status indicates that it has been collected for shipment.

Shipping Zones and countries

Country Zone Country Zone Country Zone Country Zone Country Zone
Albania 7 Cook Islands 8 Indonesia 4 Mozambique 5 Solomon Islands 8
Algeria 8 Costa Rica 8 Iran 2 Myanmar 7 Somalia 5
American Samoa 8 Croatia 7 Iraq 1 Namibia 6 South Africa 6
Andorra 7 Cuba 8 Ireland 7 Nauru Islands 8 South Sudan 8
Angola 7 Cyprus 3 Isle of Man 7 Nepal 4 Spain 4
Anguilla 8 Czech Republic 6 Israel 5 Netherlands 3 Sri Lanka 2
Antigua & Barbuda 8 Dem Rep Of Congo 6 Italy 3 Netherlands Antilles 8 St. Pierre & Miquelon 8
Argentina 8 Denmark 3 Ivory Coast 7 New Caledonia 8 St. Kitts & Nevis 8
Armenia 6 Djibouti 5 Jamaica 8 New Zealand 6 St. Lucia 8
Aruba 8 Dominica 8 Japan 7 Nicaragua 8 St. Vincent & Grenadine 8
Australia 3 Dominican Rep 8 Jordan 3 Niger 8 Sudan 5
Austria 3 East Timor 8 Kazakhstan 3 Nigeria 4 Surinam 8
Azerbaijan 3 Ecuador 8 Kenya 5 Norfolk IS 8 Svalbard & Jean Mayen 8
Bahamas 8 Egypt 1 Kiribati 8 Northem Mariana 8 Swaziland 7
Bahrain 1 El Salvador 8 Korea South 4 Northern Ireland 3 Sweden 4
Bahrain Special Equatorial Guinea 8 Kuwait 1 Norway 8 Switzerland 3
Bangladesh 1 Eritrea 6 Kuwait Special Oman 1 Syria 6
Barbados 8 Estonia 7 Kyrgyzstan 6 Pakistan 1 Taiwan 3
Belarus 8 Ethiopia 5 Laos 7 Palau 8 Tajikistan 7
Belgium 4 Falklands IS 8 Latvia 7 Palestine 8 Tanzania 5
Belize 8 Faroe Islands 7 Lebanon 2 Panama 8 Thailand 3
Benin 6 Fiji Islands 8 Lesotho 5 Papua New Guinea 8 Togo 6
Bermuda 8 Finland 8 Liberia 6 Paraguay 8 Tonga 8
Bhutan 8 France 3 Libya 5 Peru 8 Trinidad & Tobago 8
Bolivia 8 French Guiana 8 Liechtenstein 3 Philippines 3 Tunisia 5
Bosnia & Herzegovina 7 French Polynesia 8 Lithuania 7 Pitcairn Is. 8 Turkey 4
Botswana 7 Gabon 5 Luxembourg 6 Poland 4 Turkmenistan 7
Brazil 8 Gambia 8 Macau 3 Portugal 3 Turks & Caicos Islands 8
Brunei 4 Georgia 3 Macedonia 7 Puerto Rico 8 Tuvalu 8
Bulgaria 8 Germany 3 Madagascar 5 Qatar 1 Uganda 5
Burkina Faso 6 Ghana 5 Malawi 6 Republic of Kosovo 8 Ukraine 6
Burundi 7 Gibraltar 7 Malaysia 3 Reunion Islands 8 United Kingdom 3
Cambodia 7 Greece 4 Maldives 7 Romania 8 United States 4
Cameroon 8 Greenland 7 Mali 6 Russia 6 Uruguay 8
Canada 6 Grenada 8 Malta 5 Rwanda 5 Uzbekistan 3
Canary IS 8 Guadeloupe 8 Marshall Is. 8 Samoa 8 Vanuatu 8
Cape Verde 8 Guam 8 Martinique 8 San Marino 7 Vatican City 3
Cayman Islands 8 Guatemala 8 Mauritania 8 Sao Tome & Principe 8 Venezuela 8
Central African Rep 8 Guinea 6 Mauritius 5 Saudi Arabia 1 Vietnam 6
Chad 8 Guinea Bissau 8 Mayotte 8 Saudi Arabia GPX Virgin Is.-British 8
Chile 8 Guyana 8 Mexico 8 Senegal 7 Virgin Is.-US 8
China 5 Haiti 8 Moldova 7 Serbia & Montenegro 8 Wallis & Futana IS. 8
Christmas Islands 8 Honduras 8 Monaco 3 Seychelles 7 Western Sahara 8
Cocos Kelling Is. 8 Hong Kong 4 Mongolia 8 Sierra Leone 6 Yemen 7
Colombia 8 Hungary 7 Montenegro 8 Singapore 4 Zambia 5
Comoros 8 Iceland 8 Montserrat 8 Slovakia 7 Zimbabwe 5
Congo 6 India 2 Morocco 6 Slovenia 7


Shipping cost for each zone

Shipping Zone Price $ for up to 1KG Price $ for up to 1.5 KG Price $ for up to 2.0 KG
1 16 20 23
2 18 22 26
3 23 28 33
4 25 30 36
5 27 33 39
6 30 36 42
7 40 49 58
8 66 70 91


Delivery Time Exceeded

 Please be advised that international shipping may experience delays due to inclement weather and holidays. If your order is delayed, kindly reach out to us via email at or through WhatsApp. We will promptly investigate the situation with the shipping carrier and make every effort to expedite the delivery process. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Order Cancellations

 If you need to cancel your order, we're here to help! Just reach out to us soon after you've made your purchase. If your payment has gone through but your parcel hasn't been shipped yet and the order tracking still doesn't show "collected," we can accept cancelling your order, and we'll refund your money in full.

Unfortunately, once the parcel is collected for shipment, we can't cancel or refund your order. We appreciate your understanding!

Please refer to our Cancellation & Returns policy for complete details.

In-store pickup

We don’t offer this option.

Tax and Customs Duties

 Please note that your order may be subject to import duties and taxes, including VAT, once it reaches your destination country. It's important to understand that these charges are not included in the purchase price and are your responsibility as the customer. [LinX CGM] is not liable for these charges if they are applied.

We strive to provide transparent and reliable shipping services while ensuring your satisfaction. Should you have any further questions or concerns regarding our shipping policy, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We're here to assist you every step of the way.