Understanding Optional Calibration for LinX CGM Sensor
Learning Topics
- Introduction to Factory Calibration
- Sensor vs. Blood Glucose Meter
- Guidelines on when calibration is necessary
- Detailed instructions for performing calibration
- Best practices for calibration
For personalized advice and support, regularly check in with your healthcare provider regarding your glucose monitoring and sensor use.
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I avoid calibrating my LinX CGM sensor?
Do not calibrate within the first six hours after sensor installation or when your glucose levels are rapidly rising or falling. Ensure that your glucose levels have stabilized before performing a calibration.
What should I do if the difference between the sensor and blood glucose meter readings exceeds the acceptable range?
If the difference is greater than 20 mg/dL for readings below 80 mg/dL or more than 20% for readings above 80 mg/dL, you can use the calibration option in the LinX app. Contact customer support if you need assistance.
What is the difference between calibration and recording in the LinX app?
Calibration adjusts the sensor readings to match your blood glucose meter, and it will be marked with a red dot on the trend curve. Recording simply logs the blood glucose measurement without adjusting the sensor and is marked with a green dot.
Why is there a difference between CGM sensor data and home blood glucose meter readings?
CGM sensors measure glucose in the interstitial fluid under the skin, while blood glucose meters measure glucose directly in the bloodstream. This difference, known as lag time, can cause slight variations between the two measurements.
Can I perform calibration myself, or should I contact customer support?
You can perform calibration yourself through the LinX app. However, if you are unsure about the process or if you are new to using LinX , it is advisable to contact customer support for guidance.